Artsdata Image Policy – Version 0.1


How Artsdata manages image information

Artsdata makes various kinds of open data available. These include image URLs: for example, promotional images of events, or images of artist profiles.

Artsdata only collects and stores image URLs; it never stores copies of images on its servers. Artsdata will only retrieve image URLs if those URLs contain metadata connected to a specific entity, such as an event or artist, for which Artsdata has already obtained permission to extract the data. When a photo credit and a license notice are available at the source, Artsdata extracts this metadata and integrates it inside an image object (“schema:ImageObject”). This process ensures that image metadata “follows” both the image URL and the image’s associated entity in Artsdata.

Guidelines for data users

Unless a licence agreement indicates otherwise, users must assume that the images whose URLs are stored in Artsdata are copyright protected.

In accordance with standard contractual practice in the industry, with collective agreements and with laws applicable in Canada, an image URL should only be used for the same purposes it was originally published on the source site, and in the same conditions. For example, for a promotional image of a live performance : * An image URL shouldmay only be used in connection with its associated event. * The user shouldmust include enough data about the event to disambiguate it (i.e. make it distinguishable) from similar events. * When there is available data specifying the event’s official webpage URL (i.e. the event page on the official event organizer’s website) and/or official ticketing platform, the user shouldmust include this information, in addition to other data that enables disambiguation from other events. * If a photo credit is available, it should be used along with the image URL. The purpose of the above conditions is to ensure that the image URL is used in accordance with the official organizer who published this image (and the right holders who granted the organizer the right to publish the image for promotional purposes).

Under no circumstances may an Artsdata user use an image URL in connection with an entity other than the event to which the image is associated, as described in the data source.

Under no circumstances may an Artsdata user connect an image URL to data that is likely to mislead a consumer, for example by directing the consumer to a reseller’s site or to a fraudulent site, instead of to the official organizer’s website or the official ticketing platform’s website.

Limitation of liability

In the context of open data, the responsibility of Artsdata administrators (as defined by the Artsdata Community Group, represented by CAPACOA) is limited to making available the image URLs (and associated image metadata), as provided in the data sources. Artsdata offers no guarantee that image URls are accurate, recent or permanent. Artsdata shall not be held responsible for any harm resulting from the use of image URLs by Artsdata users.


By using data from Artsdata, the user consents to this policy.

Users who violate this policy may be denied access to Artsdata.

French version