5 Misaligned Bidirectional Wikidata Links

# artsdata name wdid wikidata_linked_to wikidata_linked_to_name
1 ad:K2-5729 Bluma Appel Theatre en wd:Q129439702 ad:K11-6 Bluma Appel Theatre en
2 ad:K2-5530 Confederation Centre of the Arts en wd:Q5159778 ad:K4-123 Confederation Centre of the Arts en
3 ad:K5-436 Lloyd Spiegel en wd:Q28062460 ad:K12-307 Lloyd Spiegel en
4 ad:K16-293 Salle Raoul-Jobin fr wd:Q97101732 ad:K2-189 Raoul-Jobin Hall en
5 ad:K2-189 Raoul-Jobin Hall fr wd:Q97101732 ad:K16-293 Raoul-Jobin Hall en