57 Place entities in performing-arts

# uri name locality sameAs conforms
1 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Evergreen Centre S0E1E0 shacl:Violation
2 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Darkhorse Theatre S0N2M0 shacl:Violation
3 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Mae Wilson Theatre shacl:Violation
4 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) The Cugnet Centre S4H 2S5​ shacl:Violation
5 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Mae Wilson Theatre shacl:Violation
6 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Mae Wilson Theatre shacl:Violation
7 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) Kamsack Playhouse Theatre S0A1S0 shacl:Violation
8 Node (_:genid-8c9534212...) The Cugnet Centre S4H 2S5​ shacl:Violation
9 Node (_:node8136397) Norman Ritchie Community Centre Kindersley
10 Node (_:node8136404) Anne Portnuff Theatre, Yorkton Regional High School Yorkton
11 Node (_:node8136411) Grand Theatre Indian Head
12 Node (_:node8136418) Prince of Wales Cultural & Recreation Centre Assiniboia
13 Node (_:node8136425) E.A. Rawlinson Centre Prince Albert
14 Node (_:node8136432) Dekker Centre-Lawrence Hall North Battleford
15 Node (_:node8136439) E.A. Rawlinson Centre Prince Albert
16 Node (_:node8136446) Leader Community Centre Leader
17 Node (_:node8136453) Eastend Memorial Hall Eastend
18 Node (_:node8136460) Darke Hall Regina
19 Node (_:node8136467) Luseland Homecoming Hall Luseland
20 Node (_:node8136474) Star City Elks Hall Star City
21 Node (_:node8136481) Majestic Theatre Biggar
22 Node (_:node8136488) Dekker Centre North Battleford
23 Node (_:node8136495) Moosomin Community Theatre Moosomin
24 Node (_:node8136502) Event Centre Swift Current
25 Node (_:node8136509) Station Arts Centre Cooperative Rosthern
26 Node (_:node8136516) Darke Hall Regina
27 Node (_:node8136523) Event Centre Swift Current
28 Node (_:node8136530) Churchill Community High School La Ronge
29 Node (_:node8136537) Darke Hall Regina
30 Node (_:node8136544) Norman Ritchie Community Centre Kindersley
31 Node (_:node8136551) Majestic Theatre Biggar
32 Node (_:node8136558) Wadena Community Legion Hall Wadena
33 Node (_:node8136565) Brooks Hall Hudson Bay
34 Node (_:node8136572) Event Centre Swift Current
35 Node (_:node8136579) Estevan Comprehensive High School Estevan
36 Node (_:node8136586) Eastend Memorial Hall Eastend
37 Node (_:node8136593) Macklin Credit Union Legacy Center Macklin
38 Node (_:node8136600) Watrous Civic Centre Watrous
39 Node (_:node8136607) St. Paul's United Church-Estevan Estevan
40 Node (_:node8136614) Eagle Point Event Centre La Ronge
41 Node (_:node8136621) Maurice Taylor Performing Arts Theatre Tisdale
42 Node (_:node8136628) Dekker Centre North Battleford
43 Node (_:node8136635) Vic Juba Community Theatre, Lakeland College Lloydminster
44 Node (_:node8136642) Vic Juba Community Theatre, Lakeland College Lloydminster
45 Node (_:node8136649) Vic Juba Community Theatre, Lakeland College Lloydminster
46 Node (_:node8136656) George Layh Theatre Langenburg
47 Node (_:node8136663) Dekker Centre North Battleford
48 Node (_:node8136670) Kipling Community Centre Kipling
49 Node (_:node8136677) Dekker Centre-Atrium North Battleford
50 Node (_:node8136684) Event Centre Swift Current
51 Node (_:node8136691) Event Centre Swift Current
52 Node (_:node8136698) Majestic Theatre Biggar
53 Node (_:node8136705) Grand Theatre Indian Head
54 Node (_:node8136712) Canora Composite School Canora
55 Node (_:node8136719) George Layh Theatre Langenburg
56 Node (_:node8136726) Norman Ritchie Community Centre Kindersley
57 Node (_:node8136733) Darke Hall Regina