4 Event entities in thecultch-com

# uri name location type startDateTime artsdata conforms
1 footlight-console:thecultch-com_homemade-husbands-diy-manual Homemade Husbands: DIY Manual - The Cultch en schema:Event 2024-10-05 xsd:dateTime mint shacl:Violation
2 footlight-console:thecultch-com_no-refunds#2024-08-09T200... Gary Meikle - NO REFUNDS - The Cultch en York Theatre en schema:Event 2024-08-09T20:00:00-07:00 xsd:dateTime
3 footlight-console:thecultch-com_no-refunds Gary Meikle - NO REFUNDS - The Cultch en York Theatre en schema:EventSeries 2024-08-01T20:00:00-07:00 xsd:dateTime mint
4 footlight-console:thecultch-com_no-refunds#2024-08-01T200... Gary Meikle - NO REFUNDS - The Cultch en York Theatre en schema:Event 2024-08-01T20:00:00-07:00 xsd:dateTime