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A circus is a form of entertainment and spectacle that involves a series of short acts to display human skill, daring, humour and sometimes skilled tricks involving animals. Often performed in the round under a large tent. en
Un cirque est une forme de divertissement et de spectacle qui implique une série de courts numéros pour montrer l'habileté humaine, l'audace, l'humour et parfois des tours impliquant des animaux. Souvent exécuté en rond sous une grande tente. fr
    "@id": "http://kg.artsdata.ca/resource/CircusPerformance",
    "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition": [
        "@language": "en",
        "@value": "A circus is a form of entertainment and spectacle that involves a series of short acts to display human skill, daring, humour and sometimes skilled tricks involving animals.  Often performed in the round under a large tent.",
        "@annotation": [
            "http://schema.org/dataset": [
                "@id": "http://kg.artsdata.ca/culture-creates/artsdata-data-model/skos-event-types"
        "@language": "fr",
        "@value": "Un cirque est une forme de divertissement et de spectacle qui implique une série de courts numéros pour montrer l'habileté humaine, l'audace, l'humour et parfois des tours impliquant des animaux. Souvent exécuté en rond sous une grande tente.",
        "@annotation": [
            "http://schema.org/dataset": [
                "@id": "http://kg.artsdata.ca/culture-creates/artsdata-data-model/skos-event-types"
    "@id": "http://kg.artsdata.ca/culture-creates/artsdata-data-model/skos-event-types",
    "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": [
        "@value": "skos-event-types (536 triples)"
    "@id": "http://schema.org/dataset",
    "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label": [
        "@language": "en",
        "@value": "Dataset"